Honey Lemon Soda #01 — “Everybody Clapped”
January 8th, 2025
That's definitely a thing teenagers do when answering math problems.
The "everybody clapped" scene was about when my eyes rolled far enough back in my head that I stopped being able to see straight. And this was right before the roaming gang of bullies showed up. Not just any regular bullies, but they're on the prowl specifically to go after her and only her, announcing to the world constantly how much bullying they're going to do and how much they love to bully her. It was already les than subtle to this point, but that's when it abandoned all pretenses and went into complete overdrive, complete with flashback about how the dude had previously also saved her from the same bullies one time.
Same shoujo setup as usual then. Awkward wallflower who wants to be popular, befriended by the sullen popular dude because that's just how he is which changes her everything. Since it's lemon soda, the pastel backgrounds are all urine flavored instead of pink. That's about the most unique thing about it, and the writing is… as above. I guess the main character is at least trying to change, which is more than can be said for most protagonists this season, but between the corny as hell bullies and the messiah dude she worships, it's hard to root for her.
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