Aquarion MOE #04 — Dating Family Members

January 30th, 2025


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At this point, I've moved beyond denial and am well on my way to acceptance and simply moving on. If this was any other franchise, I would've done so a long time ago. But it's Aquarion. It can't really be this banal, unambitious, and boring, can it? It certainly looks like it can after another episode of characters just puttering around until they suddenly unlock a CGI memory of how they didn't have any issues with each other, and that's that. They're sisters again. Or whatever you call gender swapped reincarnational multidimensional descendants. Now we can merge without grunting and our bow shoots sparklies.

Nowhere even close to the unhinged mayhem of any of the previous Aquarions. I'd rather rewatch literally of them. Even Logos. The dead girl didn't even show up this week I don't think. Could've at least killed her again. That would've been… something. Though they've made even that humdrum. No character has any real motivation. Or interacts with any others in any kind of meaningful way that would create development. There's invading monsters, but they're not actually really threatening anybody and never rise above the level of quite literally just some random blob that shows up to beat up each week with its particularly jank CGI. Even the regular animation is somehow awful despite it being so simplified. I genuinely want to know what the hell is going on with this show, but watching it is pure tedium.


Posted in Aquarion | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Ark noir says:

    I want embattled gay angel or I riot!

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