Dandadan #07 — Jaw Dropping
November 14th, 2024
Just some body horror for fun.
Largely the same issues as last week. The clarity of the action animation is already pretty bad with how intentionally rough the art style looks, but then every time they stop and try to explain things, it's jarring because these plans are rules lawyering pulled out of nowhere and then immediately ignored. Your weakness is once you grab things, you can never let go. Now you're trapped. For how long? For as long as it took me to make that up and now that's dropped again. Oops, she's dead. But not you because X, Y, Z. Also, not actually dead because of P, D, Q. Things never reach a proper fever pitch or climax when it's so hard to follow, both visually and in the narrative.
And of course, we then reach the obligatory long 'tragic' backstory that consumes the entire back half of the episode, because anime can't let monsters just be monsters. And you know how tired of this schtick I am. Same one I've seen a hundred times before and will no doubt see a hundred times again. Was just an innocent person until Those Evil People kicked in the door and took everything, thus turning her into a monster. All she ever needed was a hug. It always feels manipulative at best, especially when it's all packed at the end after everything else is resolved. It'd make much more sense to become more monstrous, not less, as they get more desperate and frantic about their obsession, not abruptly abandon all murderous rage and go uber Jesus martyr.
Next Episode:
Posted in Dandadan | 1 Comment »
I disagree, this is the kind of episode Science Saru excels at. That was some of the best animation I’ve seen so far in this show.