Wistoria #08 — We Don’t Learn

September 1st, 2024


Surely this time, nobody will backstab me.


I'm absolutely certain that this time he randomly and arbitrarily teams up with Vegeta and Vegeta 2, it'll work out just fine and nobody will suddenly get a sudden case of backstab-itis. But I get ahead of the episode, since that portion is all half-assed setup for yet another test to Prove His Skill, same as everything that happens in this show and Jump nonsense in general. And it's super serious too! People could die! They say ignoring the constant attempts at murder that are happening across the school. And then they just ignore all the rules and party nonsense it spent a quarter of the episode explaining and Colette joins them on her own, and everybody shrugs.

All this to try to avoid talking about the 'date' episode, where both of the primary members of Will's harem managed to be horrible. Colette came off slightly better, just having a raging attack of gay panic. Rosty, on the other hand, was smirking and bragging about how much of a creepy predator he loves to be to the thick-as-a-rock imbecile they're both obsessed with. Nobody came out of that segment for the better, and it was already generic date filler crap because they used up slightly too much animation last week and so needed a montage of stills, and chose… THAT.

Next Episode:

Posted in Wistoria | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Ark noir says:

    Think its obvious now lusty rosty is a plant of sorts, like the bespectacled lass who is a spy for the vanders. Possibly could be something to do with the Mary sue up in ivory tower x probably an ice clone or an avater of sorts.

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