The Elusive Samurai #07 — Ant Man

August 17th, 2024


At least it wasn't full body horror… yet.


This episode definitely lost all of what little steam it had in the middle when the last of the kids squad in the opening showed up and instead of focusing on the fight, it got distracted by an over five minute cutaway to the peanut gallery to try to explain how cool and strong and competent the two sidekicks were instead of just showing it in the first place. Good for the budget, not so much for the pacing, characterization, or actually demonstrating what it's spending a very, very long time trying to explain. 

The rest of the episode was similarly consumed by exposition. New dude spent almost all of the following seven minutes monologuing the rest of the setup for this little arc. His backstory. Flashback to his backstory. The local village's adults-being-murdered issue. Flashback to it. And hey, we should do something about that because there's some dude infested with a bunch of ants who wants to keep murdering villagers but couldn't be bothered to show up personally until… next episode. So no payoff this week. Just a whole, whole lot of exposition. 

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