My Deer Friend #04 — (Over/Under)Reaction

July 24th, 2024


The two tentpoles of current anime comedy.


At least there's some contrast… sort of. We get the student council, though mainly focused on two of the three. One barely reacts to anything, and the other overreacts to everything. Again though, there's not really any structure or purpose to it past "let's have some other comical girls," and the bigger problem is that these are wells that it's already not so much been dipping their toes in as already attempted to do entire episodes around. Are we gaining much by replacing the deer from last week staring blankly while Koshi fritters about around it with a girl who stares blankly except for the times she emits an aura? 

The other girl is probably worse though, as now you have one character screaming in overreaction to every little thing that happens, and a second character screaming that the overreaction is an overreaction. Perhaps that insert song was some kind of hilarious parody that salvages the entire sequence, but I'm not familiar enough with Japanese dramas to be able to say if it was actually a reference to anything, and even if it was, it really seemed like most of the 'jokes' with it were Koshi's cut-in yelling "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" 

Posted in Deer Friend | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • anise_punter says:

    One day we’ll get the hyperactive distressingly violent slapstick comedy of our youth back… one day (long after I’m dead)

  • Ark noir says:

    Whilst I’m down with the new characters, I ultimately came for the deer and quirky deer shenanigans. The girls are ok, but unless they reach pop team epic levels of craziness it’s gonna get stale hence why I need more deer.

    Deer simulator game(10 mins clip length)

    This is an example of what I’m talking about.

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