A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics #01 — Private Dick Aspirations

April 4th, 2024


Don't compare to Futakoi Alternative. Don't compare to Futakoi Alternative. Don't com…


This one's greatest sin is that it's really boring, which is pretty minor compared to the slave-rape show and the stalker one. Well, the character that exists solely to get naked and have her chest jiggle isn't great either, but compared to the alternatives? At least it's only the camera and not a pack of rape-hungry jerks repeatedly talking about how virginal she is. But the rest of it is… it exists. It's not particularly wacky. Magic girl drops out of sky. And… that's it. They… just talk about that for a while. And I know that I'm abusing the hell out of ellipses and pregnant pauses, but, man, little is attempted and little is achieved. 

The most interesting thing is probably the music, which is a bit weird, but that's not really an identity. I can think of a lot of things that these anime commonly do that it doesn't; too much exposition about unneeded stuff, internal narration, obnoxious fanservice, excessive yelling, and it's not guilty of any of that, but it's not trying particularly hard to be a comedy either. There's not all that many jokes, which I suppose prevents us from having the main character overreact in response. It's not trying to tell a story with interesting characters either. Not in the banter, not in episodic stories, nada. I wanted to be a detective… and I am. But you could be a better detective. Yeah, probably. Great talk. Nor is it wowing with the visuals for gag or style purposes. Certainly not. The animation is on the southern side of mediocre, strongly pushing towards poor by the end. This could've been made ten years ago alongside stuff like Index, Dragon Crisis, C3, etc and it would still compare rather unfavorably to them. Whatever lane this wants to be in, it needs to figure it out and then actually go with that.

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