Shut-In Vampire Princess #08 — Torture Porn

November 25th, 2023


Does anybody in this cult have any idea whatsoever what they're doing?


I really don't know what anybody's plan here was. Well, Sakuna going around murdering people so she could brainwash them into being her new family was certainly creepy enough, and seems like it would've been a good thing to reveal 2-3 episodes ago to actually sell her as an antagonist, but that's about the only of the various reveals here that was even slightly effective, or made any sense for that matter. Even that's somewhat ignoring that the whole 'emotional' speech about her tragic past was given through the medium of naked iridescent girls sitting on couches floating in space. Even in anime, I dare you to find me any examples of that being the correct way to have a heart to heart.

But what even was the big baddie's plan here, exactly? Reveal himself to be a secret evil dude in the middle of this huge battle that the whole world is watching in order to… what exactly? Get Komari kicked out of the club? Also, he brought in his apostate weapon and was just waving it about in public the whole time apparently, and nobody has ever noticed this? And then, after a whole bunch of ass-pull powerups/powerdowns as excuses to kick people around and dismember them as one or the other becomes invulnerable, we find out that the brainwashing doesn't even work on 'strong' people, whatever the hell that means. Also, that the priest was a secret family friend all along. And that Sakuna had been secretly mass murdering the baddie's entire household to brainwash them too, so all that stuff about how she felt she was powerless and had to obey him, apparently she had decided to betray him a long time ago. Either that, or she went on a hell of a murder bender the night before.


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