The Shut-in Vampire Princess #03 — Extreme Vampire Bullying

October 21st, 2023


Which is no different from regular anime bullying.

Apothecary Diaries FINALLY airs today, but as a three episode dump, relatively late, so it may be a bit. And rob my will to deal with Returner's Magic if it is the boring episode it appears it will be.


Now this is more like it. Multiple stabbings. Party guests in the crossfire being melted by acid daggers. Tossing some lightning. Throwing people in the marinara. None of that dumb slapstick or bad fanservice. Although on the other hand, the actual story here that everybody used to be petulant school bullies and/or bullied… give me a break. And that she has super amnesia on top of it, forcing a big ol' flashback to go through all of it? Couldn't we come up with something better? Anything better at all?

Just the existence at all of vampire school where vampire bullies are running amock, throwing water on each other, blowing raspberries at them, and ruining their homemade lunches is so damn idiotic that it makes the reveal and subsequent stabbing of the one traitor dude seem almost quaint. Come on, writers. That was the perfect opportunity for the most obvious swerve, that he's loyal to the crown at least and the real traitor was someone else. At least it likely means another episode of stabbings and melting people.

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