Shut-in Vampire Princess #02 — Liar, Liar

October 14th, 2023


Even just a quarter episode of that is more than enough.


I feel like Saturdays for me are already down to this or Returner's Magic, and somehow, the Project No.9 show is going to win on its better animation. Or maybe I'm just biding my time for that murder drama about a harem girl… because I'm in denial. Anyway, this continues to be… largely okay. At every step, I wish it would tilt just slightly more serious, both because that'd just make things more interesting, but also because every bad joke continues to fall flat. The minions clearly know something is up, so let them be potential plotters instead of having them invent entire convoluted nonsense from the peanut gallery about how Komari not only faked magic, but faked super special extra ultimate omega dynamic magic, that you also then have to to explain.

But it's at least still sort of moving, both in an episodic fashion with the duel into 'touching' (both senses) bath scene, and a greater revenge plot. If you shut off your brain enough, they're sort of going through the broadly correct motions. No doubt the massacre incident is what connects all three of these idiots, possibly with more than is already stated for the main two, but I'm not holding my breath. It at least seems like it's moving to wrap itself up in an episode or two what with the hostage taking and stabbing in the next episode preview, and four episodes for a first arc in a light novel adaptation? Used to be long, but given trends lately almost feels like it's moving fast. And yet, by just excising a couple of the pointless jokey scenes, we could probably already be on the cusp of the inevitable big fight if they had felt like it. 

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