Seven Spellblaghs #10 — Piggy Back Ride
September 8th, 2023
The most unbeatable strategy in combat.
It's kind of impressive how this show is continuing to go from bad to worse and making me wish that it had actually gone with the corny revenge society thing. It would have been a hundred times less stupid than this. The school-rules fights… for honor… continue with that random girl from last week whose gimmick is apparently that she has a super duper sidekick, so they're going to fight… as teams! Which means, of course, everybody pairing off and fighting one on one for precisely one attack each, at which point the dude reveals that he's a werewolf and their secret strategy is… that she rides him.
And this is where the episode ends because everything about that fight kept getting distracted by flashbacks to actually explain who the hell this brat is and why we should care about this fight. Again, this fight with all the safety gloves on, for nothing at stake but pride. What a serious show this is. It'd be better served if the good guys had immediately responded by going "Oh yeah, we can do that too!" and then tried to have a piggy back duel. At least that way, we could be assured that the people making this understood how imbecilic the entire thing is. But no. This is the 'cliffhanger' that we end on. How will our heroes defeat somebody sitting on the shoulders of her enslaved monster.
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