The Capable Cat #08 — Strays
August 30th, 2023
Why are you picking fights with 7 foot tall people you think are in mascot costumes?
Everybody besides MBS (this broadcast, well, not the Chinese subs, but the schedule) is running a double episode on Friday, so this should theoretically be back to its normal schedule.
The kid isn't getting any better with repeated exposure, I can tell you that much. That kitten also looked disturbingly possessed. What on Earth happened with the commercial break gap this episode? A little bit of awkwardness or repetition is understandable, but they practically redid the entire judo throw and then added another 15 seconds or so before the silly dramatic turn with all the strands of her hair animated. I think they might've used too many frames on it too because we got to sit through the flashback of Yukichi being adopted for probably the fifth time. And this time, it's apparently a whole episode-crossing arc. Unless they just drop it next week episode.
I couldn't even tell you how much of that was recycled animation at this point. They certainly amped up the melodramatic music to maximum, but we've seen this multiple times now, and adding one or two extra details about how she lived in a literal garbage dump isn't adding much, not to mention that it's weird coming right off her being casually heroic and kind to stray animals. But being sloppy at home and/or a hoarder makes you a failure as a person, apparently.
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