The Genes of AI #02 — Separate But Equal
July 14th, 2023
Unusual for the androids to be presented as inferior, I guess.
You probably want to take another crack at the whole trans-woman groper thing, guys. Sure, cultural differences and whatnot, and I get that it's a constant gag in Japanese media that women fondling other women is just "a chick thing," but, well, I want to say move on, but that she exists was the entire B plot of the episode. I'm no plastic surgeon, or doctor at all, but I'm also pretty certain that you don't perform a breast examination by double hand cupping them. That whole… everything… was just pointless fanservice on top of probably not being as carefree about changing your gender identity as it is presenting itself.
The A plot wasn't much better though. Android and human both race and are rivals, but aren't allowed to compete against each other. And… when one gets hurt, the insecure one learns that's okay because they're friends. We sidestep the whole separate but equal thing. We ignore anything about any kind of doping or advantages. It makes a couple passing remarks that, oh, humans can build muscles, but androids recover easier, and… that's it. I didn't even mention which one was the insecure one. It's the android. Again, there's a lot they could be mining here, or at least be aware of, but it's once again only interested in the most superficial musing, which is both unsatisfying and not all that intellectually stimulating.
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