Chain Sawman #12 — Unarmed Combat

December 27th, 2022


Some puns are too easy to ignore.


Who doesn't love fights that end unceremoniously with one side just giving up. Both the ghost, and the snake lady who just went catatonic for no real reason. Really selling how much this girl existed solely to be fridged, huh? But that wasn't the marquis fight. That one went pretty much literally the exact same as previously; about a minute of 'animated' indistinct CGI clashing and then the sword dude remembered that he has an always-win special attack, so began spamming it. Except now, because we've run out of episodes, Denji can counter kick it, leading to one of those super corny "I killed you 40 seconds ago and we just had an entire conversation without you realizing it" scenes that I wish would leave the anime lexicon forever.

I rewatched Yozakura Quartet over the holidays, and my god, the difference between the way it puts together and especially resolves action scenes is stark. A focus on cleverness and characters, for both sides, not total invincibility until abruptly not for no real reason. But especially the elevation of the characters themselves, which this certainly could've done, but chose to put down a hell of a wall in between fighting and feeling sorry for themselves, and never the two shall meet. Some (most) characters hardly even got that. Power in particular got to do nothing but fight some zombies, mostly offscreen. She had more screentime being groped than being actively involved with the story in any way. 

No doubt a sequel will be announced soon enough, because lord knows this resolved jack and squat, but I'm pretty sure I've seen enough. The pacing was laborious, contrivance was at every turn, and for its characters supposedly being its strength, most were barely allowed to even exist in the story, and the few exceptions were there solely to be groped or violently killed to spur all the important characters into action.  


Posted in Chainsaw Man | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anon says:

    A bit disappointed that you most likely won’t cover the sequel because I would love to see your reaction to the latter part of the manga. As someone who was underwhelmed by the manga long before the anime came out, it’s been cathartic to read your thoughts on the series. Chainsawman could have been good, but Fujimoto fumbles with longer series and should stick to shorter manga which he handles much better.

    Anyway, I mainly lurk so I’m just happy to see you’re still around doing this. Hope you are well.

    • Aroduc says:

      Who knows. The shows alongside its inevitable sequel season may be even worse. It wouldn’t be the first (or probably last) time I got suckered into something or just went in a fit of pique. Lord knows I’d probably watch another season of Symphogear despite the last three seasons of it only filling me with frustration and anger for what it has become.