Harley Quinn #29 — The Cock King

July 29th, 2022


Oh great. Kiteman's back.


It's the most cohesive as far as narrative and characters go of the new season so far, but on the other hand, it brought back Kiteman and gave him center stage again with all the dumb stuff that comes with him. I genuinely don't understand why he's such a favorite of the writers, so much so that he's getting his own spinoff at that. He's always been a horse's ass every time he's on screen, does one token thing or says "Golly gee, I sure am lucky to have a hot girlfriend," and all is forgiven. He's a totally great guy and they actually get along great and have great chemistry… all off-screen.

Anyway, importantly, Ivy finally learns the valuable lesson that she needs to reciprocate and be an active member in the relationship as well, and Harley to take it down a notch. Simple, pithy morality lessons, but good ones and even though I'm sure it'll all be forgotten by next week, unlike the last two episodes, at least this epiphany and catharsis actually follows. I will say that I'm already pretty tired of Clayface's apparently series-long arc in a Thomas Wayne biopic. His whole bit is being a ham, and there's enough cringe-humor in the show, such as Joker's godawful rap, without him being obnoxious on top of it.


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