Healer Girls #01 — Idolatry
April 4th, 2022
The cultist costumes aren't helping.
This is pretty much as I feared. Just an idol show where instead of all the things that they did metaphorically in, say, Party Boy Koumei are instead supposed to be literal. They could've had them face serious illnesses, or gone the comedy route and had them deal with Theme Hospital-style maladies, but instead went for healing a booboo at the start, fifteen minutes of filler, then helping everybody smile as gram-fram waits for the ambulence to come pick her up from Old Person Collapsing But Are Totally Fine Already Syndrome, because it's an all smiles and fluff zone.
There is absolutely no story to speak of. The characters are all as flat and uncomplicated as they come. They do all the idol exercises and montages. They make silly faces. Everybody is going to Do Their Best™. The most positive thing I can say about the episode is that the music was a lot more of the easy listening variety than the in-your-face screaming that JPop inevitably gravitates towards. It's inoffensive fluff at most, but aside from the weird smocks, nigh indistinguishable from any of a hojillion other idol shows that come and go every single year.
Posted in Healer Girls | 1 Comment »
The sad depressing reality where even the director of one of the most highly-regarded anime of the 21st century is reduced to making pandering schmaltz like this led us to something like Healer Girls in this cultural wasteland, where you can’t even get a budget for anything that’s not a shonen adaptation, mixed media franchise, or an idol series.
This ain’t the first time this happened to a once regarded anime director *coughSeijiMizushimacough*, and it won’t be the last sadly as auteurship gets drained away for soulless franchises and glorified ads.