World’s End Harem #01 — Hiding From Horny Naked Girls

October 8th, 2021


Oh no, nipples.

I was slightly curious about Selection Project's arc after the first episode's ending, but the crying girl got accepted into Idol Camp anyway, so… yep. Straight into the bin you go.


At last, something that caters to my very specific fetish of listening to flat monotonous exposition, but also occasionally looking at some boobs, told through the eyes of a perpetually terrified eunuch teenager who is constantly dolefully staring at the screen. Truly, this will be one of the all time greats for the way it… has some boobs. The sarcasm is fully warranted. This was a very slow, very boring first episode, with characters who have so little chemistry or personality that they may as well be inert carbon rods, except that a carbon rod has at least some level of rigidity, which this putz goes out of his way to announce that he most certainly does not.

Either lean into the trashy T&A and make it a full sexual kind of thriller, or lean into the global obliteration of the Y chromosome. You'd still need to write a story and come up with some actual characters who have personalities that aren't "are emotionless robots." This is not a "zero is a number" thing. You can't have a cast where literally every character is a shambling dullard. And if you played up the fanservice or the misandrist apocalypse, at least then you could point to that and make a decent argument when you say "It's for the conspiracy nuts" or "It's for the perverts too shy to look at actual pornography."


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