The Faraway Paladin #01 — Training Non-Arc
September 26th, 2021
My dead thrupple family.
Early airing. Broadcast begins on October 9th, I believe. I'll try to keep on top of the early pre-airs, or at least check in every day, but who knows. I'm not even sure where this one came from, to be honest.
Wow. I wouldn't say that this is the absolute worst animated thing I've ever seen, but, well, let's just say that it would look to things like Granblue or even Grimms Notes with unbridled envy, and something like Seven Knights is so far beyond its reach to exist only in fever dreams. Why do people keep giving Children's Playground Entertainment work? Everything they make looks like crap. But if you want completely static talking heads expounding at length that magic exists, that you use magic words to cast spells, and internal narration about how a dude sucked at life before but after being reincarnated into magic land is going to try harder, then boy howdy, do I have a show for you.
It was not an impressive first episode. I understand that the light novel is well regarded, but this was cheap, slow, tedious, and generic as absolute hell. Dude is reincarnated, has three 'wacky' parents, trains to use magic while having the broad rules of the world explained to him. That's the whole episode. Not story driven. Not character driven. Absolutely not wowing on the production front. It is quite literally Generic Reincarnation Setup #02b with the only thing even slightly approaching a unique hook being his threesome of undead parents, each a different flavor of undead. That's it. Come back next week in a month when… the training continues, with probably even less animation.
Posted in Faraway Paladin | 1 Comment »
At least this one didn’t have status screens, thats already an improvement