Jobless Reincarnation #01 — Look Who’s Talking
January 10th, 2021
Internal narration is the greatest storytelling device.
Meanwhile, this one is almost a bundle of "things done completely wrong." No female can appear without having a fifty year old man in the body of an infant comment on her breasts, likely followed by something regarding her underwear, and probably a summation of which otaku fetish she's supposed to be appealing to. This is on top of the internal narration just never, ever, ever, shutting the hell up despite there being zero story to speak of. Deep voice dude reincarnated as a kid. Immense magical powers. Super genius. Surrounded by boobs. We're not treading bold new ground here that requires seventy thousand words and twenty minutes to explain. And yet, explain we do. Over and over and over.
And… I don't actually know what else there is to say. The production kicks in every now and then, mostly to overanimate casting a spell or a dude flexing. Otherwise, it's fairly nonexistent. If you think I'm being over the top about it being fanservicey, twice his parents start having sex in front of him while he grins like a pervert, which is somehow less obnoxious than it immediately declaring every female a stereotype and then them trying their hardest to live up to the label. There's no comedy here either, and definitely not any dealing with the middle aged man narrating the whole thing through the body of a 0-5 year old. I've seen this episode a dozen times before. It just doesn't have status screens. Yet.
Posted in Jobless Reincarnation | 14 Comments »
wait, is this the show as good as the novelfags say?