The Half-Demon Princesses #01 — Inuyasha Filler Episode
October 3rd, 2020
How exciting.
What a dumb episode. I would say weird, but I know exactly why it existed. Actually, I can't even say for certain that they didn't just take some random episode from the original series and cut out a couple minutes to fit in the exceedingly brief start and finish bits about the 'new' characters. Is the show even going to focus on them? Sure doesn't seem like it. Sure seems like they just wanted to make more Inuyasha and the whole thing about this being focused on new characters in that setting was a lie. Cause if I haven't made it clear enough, if you cut out the first 30 seconds, the last 30 seconds, and the OP/ED, this was quite literally just some random Inuyasha filler episode where they fight a plant monster who's menacing some random villagers.
And that's probably all they really wanted. "Hey, look! It's more Inuyasha! See, it's still COMPLETELY GODDAMNED INUYASHA! It has not changed in any way whatsoever!" Not a bigger budget. Not suddenly going balls out with the action choreography. Not taking a turn for the serious, or comedic for that matter. Just… another fluff episode of Inuyasha. But who is this for? We're doing the actual origin story next week, so what the hell was this? The prequel to the origin story for the characters that we're kicking to the curb? My only slight hope through the episode was that it was leading towards Something Bad™ happening to the main cast in kind of a PG Ga-rei way, which is why we were focusing so hard on them and running like scared deer from our supposedly cool new heroines. Hell, would give them a damn quest to go do as well. But no. Its hook was… "Check out this filler Inuyasha episode. Stay tuned for… more of that!"
Next Episode:
Posted in Half-Demon Princesses | 4 Comments »
The Inuyasha part of the episode is actually just an adaptation of the epilogue chapter of the manga. That could have just been released as its own separate thing to be aired as a TV special. Everything before and after the “flashback” was just there to fill time for episode slot. No point to it at all.