Unneccesarrily Long Title #02 — Playmates

April 11th, 2020


I'm most annoyed in Appare-Ranman, Listeners, and Wave because I was counting on Fridays to not suck.


I attempted to watch this, Sing Yesterday, Gal & Dino, and Arte, all the new Saturday shows, and I couldn't stand any of them. Yesterday is a fat load of nothing. Gal & Dino is sort of interesting to ask the "why does this exist" question, but not much else. Arte was another edition of "I don't need no man, so excuse me while we fawn all over a man for fawning all over how she doesn't need no man." 

This was very slightly the most tolerable, but by the five minute mark, I was pretty tired of being incoherent screamed at, which seems to be a theme for this season. There's still something a bit unsavory about the protagonist knowing everybody's deepest, darkest secrets, and using that to manipulate them, but you wouldn't know it from the show. It's also still doing way too much handwaving when it comes to the supposed bad ends she's trying to avoid. Normally for these kinds of destined-future setups, attempts to change the future either end up making it happen, or causing something worse to happen.

Here, we're not actually getting anything. We're meant to take it that her schemes work out great on the first try with no hitches, which is in itself a horribly boring way for a story to go, but we don't even really get that, perhaps because it spent the first half introducing randos, then dropped virtually all of them to try to throw together a rival thing in the last ten minutes, and couldn't even manage to develop that. Ten minutes is enough time, but you gotta actually have some meat to it, and not kids just spontaneously yelling "We're rivals!" "Wait, ha ha. You're actually the bestest." We have a character with all the advantages, riches, fame, beauty, and knowing the future, neurotically ranting that something bad might happen a decade later if she does something completely out of character for her. I don't get the joke, and they've already beaten that horse into paste.

Posted in Girly Game | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • LUNI_TUNZ says:

    Come to think of it, if she’s the bad guy, technically the Bad Ends would be the Good Ends.

    All told, if she’s just being a super good person, and making friends with everyone, this show is no different than if she were the game’s protagonist.