Darwin’s Game #11 — Torture Porn
March 20th, 2020
What a horribly unpleasant way to end such an already mediocre show.
I guess that's the theme for this season; the protagonists being unrepentant bad guys who obliterate everybody and everything that gets in their way, and then woe-is-me over having been 'forced' to stampede everybody else. The MMO ones take a more excitable approach, full of gasping and shouting. This one took the more melodramatic approach, trying to pretend like them toying with, mocking, and systematically torturing the bad guys who never stood any chance against them makes them broody, dark, and melodramatic.
So we get ten minutes straight of… well, just torture porn with a bunch of silly faces. Not the 'protagonists' trying to be the good guys but forced to kill them. Not the protagonists backed into a corner and forced to make a dark decision out of desperation or emotion. Hell, they give a long summation of the show to date while the antagonists patiently wait around to finish… and then shoot the antagonists in the face when they try to do the same. They gleefully torment and then execute the helpless, and cry "Both sides!" as an excuse for how they're better for it. You want to actually be better than them? Be better than them. And that's how the show ends. Shrouding the protagonists in a halo of light that they are the darkest monsters created by this horrible thing, who are also the coolest ever for their bloody massacre orgy.
Final Thoughts:
Posted in Darwin's Game | 1 Comment »
I dont necessarily want protags that are better than them, I just hate the hypocrisy.