Little Witch Academia #04 — Jumping the Shark
January 29th, 2017
In Japan, apparently that's what separates real fans from posers.
Boy, this was just a miserable week all around, wasn't it? This gives "Akko is the greatest ever" a slight break to focus on Lotte by way of her attending a Harry Potter convention… inside of the Harry Potter expy world, except they sort of go "Oh, uh, Twilight, not Harry Potter," in the world's laziest and most transparent smokescreen imaginable. And frankly, sending either, or even both of those franchises to space would've improved them. As would've this episode. It's hard to even stomach the moral of the story. "Be the biggest goddamned fanboy you can, because real fans love everything an author makes, even if they go completely off the rails." Focus on your sycophants! You're the author! You can do no wrong! Getting a little disturbingly meta here, Trigger. Feeling that insecure already?
Posted in Little Witch | 6 Comments »
Well, from time to time some “creators” (Manga-kas and so on) runs into an Wall, and are happy to have someones that have nearly the same thoughts or mind or fantasy or whatever, to find here and there some ideas, to create side roads to reach the destination, if some big rock of write blockade are blocking the main path
of course it is up to the creator to pick the idea up, worn it into his own manga world and go for it. It’s a win win