Izetta of the End #11 — Just Screw Already
December 10th, 2016
Totally platonic bonding.
For all this episode's faffing around, it really didn't go anywhere or accomplish much of anything. It pulled a comically horrific guy out of its ass to be an antagonist for half the episode, commiting blatant war crimes, as if stringing up girls, opposing girl Jesus, and being Nazis wasn't bad enough, but yet not so evil that Izetta would just kill him outright. No, that was reserved for all the grunts who she splattered with a half-ton of masonry. Evil Von Evilness only had one brick tossed at his hand to knock his gun away before being shot by his own ally. Because Nazis.
The remainder of the episode was spent basically walking back the insta-power up from the first half. Also, lesbians, which, to be fair, were also randomly in the first part as well because I'm pretty sure that's the longest interaction Izetta has had to date with Random Pointless Named Girl. Oh sure, Izetta's stronger now, but atomic bombs! And the stakes are so much stakier! Because there are bombs that can single-handedly wipe out entire cities and/or armies. You know, just like the witches that they already have. So now we're going to run off and fight a witch with magic knives with our own magic knives. Did anybody think this through at all?
Posted in Izetta | 3 Comments »
Yeah, is this an Eastern Egg (pardon Picture) to Simoun?