Kiznaiver #03 — And Now, An Emo Kid

April 23rd, 2016


Oh boy! Just what I was hoping for!


I hate to leave a weekend day empty since I have all the time in the world (minus whatever dog/pancake social activities I have planned), but there is absolutely nothing on Saturdays this season that I have even the slightest bit of hope for. I think the most palatable would be Asterisk, just because that seems to have the most budget and focus on action, but that's still more of a "the glass isn't 95% empty, it's 5% full" kind of thing. Here, we have the third straight episode of faffing around with a vaguely handwaved assignment and still no indication that anything is ever going to change. Doesn't even do jack with the 'cliffhanger' from last week. Just leaves it behind with a great big shrug and "whatever." It apparently means to go with "Cause we said so" as the driving force for events for the entire show, in service of "This totally proves my nonsense info dumps right."

I guess I better find something to do for Saturdays then. I guess I still have a few more things I could review, although that always takes forever, and I've been slacking hard on translating lately… probably about to get worse because I've hit another rich vein of godawful porn after spending the last 7,000 or so lines of the scripts doing nothing but jerking itself off and going nowhere to begin with. I swear to God, this protagonist has the attention span and brain capacity of a goddamned humming bird, and the actual drive to complete his grand quest of a dead pug. I miss the grand mostly-competence of writing in games like Galaxy Angel and Daibanchou. I really, really do.

Posted in Kiznaiver | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Dave Baranyi says:

    Why don’t you find some anime from 10 years ago that you dropped after the first episode and re-watch it now as if it were a new anime this season, and then tell us if it is better or worse than what is new this season?

    • Longing says:

      I feel like the smooth animation and the fun design of the characters tricked me into watching something that’s going absolutely nowhere. DAMN YOU, TRIGGER!

    • Lolita hime says:

      Eh, I second this. Or perhaps you can review some American shows. You seem to be all over izombie and what not.

  • The Phantom says:

    It was boring since the beginning tbh.