God’s Blessings #10 — Directed By Jon Peters

March 16th, 2016


Oh boy, a giant mechanical spider.


How fitting that Captain Useless's role in the final episode and big 'boss' fight is to stand there. Way to go, destined godling of yore. You've sure proven how you are integral to this story and could not be replaced by a four foot tall wheel of manchego. There was also something kind of bizarre the whole way through how it seemed really reluctant to focus on the main characters. I don't blame them for that, but there was an odd amount of especially pointless exposition delivered straightfaced and bereft of humor, along with yelling from the peanut gallery this week. Certainly not as bad as most other shows, but it's a stumbling block that this show normally does a better job of avoided.

Again, I have to wonder why the episode where he died and had his Friendship Is Magic© epiphany before coming back to go skipping off to have more non-adventures wasn't the finale and this was. They had to reach into someone's anus all the way to the elbow to pull out the Friendship crap for this one. Didn't even fully commit to it either, as one of the harem was just off touching herself or something. Darkness's almost nonsequitur bit at the start before she all but disappeared from the episode reeked of them trying to figure out some way to work her in out of a sense of nothing but obligation.

Final Thoughts:

Well, it ended with an announcement of another season, although I'm not entirely sure why. Aside from the obvious squeezing a few more drops of blood from the stone. Each character only has 1-2 jokes at most, and boy, does it run them into the ground. It seemed to understand the basics of keeping things episode, each episode having a start, middle, and end that it would progress through, and for most of the characters to generally get their comeuppance for being petty or stupid, but when it came time to leverage those into actual content in whatever form, jokes, story, development, etc, all it ever did with that was rehash the same few things over and over and over and over again. Aqua is a prole. Megumi is fourteen sick. Darkness is a masochist. Also, the budget problems. Most notably in that godawful fanservice episode second from the end, but it was never a great looking show to begin with.

There are a few chuckles to be had here and there, more at the start when things are new(er). It could have developed the interactions between the characters more, developed the characters themselves more, or even developed the story more, but it's disinterested in doing any of that and ends up a pretty superficial affair… an unfortunate running theme this season. It's just a cast of one-note characters that hang around long past their welcome. Even one episode centered on them is pushing it. While it never sinks into truly obnoxious angst or melodrama, it doesn't even strive to hit any high points on the comedy or adventuring either. I'm not particularly looking forward to it whenever it returns. I sincerely doubt it has anything more to offer that I haven't already seen.

Posted in Blessings | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • anise_punter says:

    I enjoyed this one for the most part, but that doesn’t mean it was perfect or great or without flaws or what have you.

    1) Go with somebody other than Deen – good lord, the budget totally imploded here the last couple weeks, to the point where Dagashi’s Saya was thinking “What is wrong with your faces?”. I expect it with Deen at this point, they’re so bad.

    I don’t know if the insert song 8 minutes in was supposed to be a parody of the insert song trope that I hate, but it sure felt like it was being played straight and that just didn’t work.

    The second season needs a fifth party member (I don’t care what happens in the light novels, contact the author and make an original if you have to) and add more party member abuse, from other party members or giant toads or whatever you need to. And non-sequiturs, add more of those if at all possible.

    While I’d give this a 7 or thereabouts, I could definitely see a scenario where fixes are made to the sequel and it’s outstanding and hilarious (or a sequel like Hayate III that’s just a dumpster fire and a half with no humor at all)

  • kenuran says:

    I rather disliked this episode since the moving fortress thing was never menacing in any real way despite how everyone was freaking out over it. When it showed up it immediately became just a punching bag for every major character’s special move as it never returned fire or even attacked to begin with.

    All it ever did was activate its self-destruct mechanism which, by the way, never had any indication of any timer that would have to rush the cast into dealing with in some sort of hasty manner as they also dicked around just enough to fill up time for the episode before they finally disposed of the bomb thing. This makes that whole part also result in having no tension. The whole episode just amounted to the setup of one punchline right at the end of episode as it just wastes its time with silly and over drawn out exposition.

    Aroduc you say that this episode could have been switched around with the episode where Kazuma dies again for a better fitting finale but hell, it could have been switched around with the episode where the Dullahan attacked cause at least he actually attacked. Overall, this episode really rubbed me the wrong way cause its such a lame way to end the season.


    Overall I’m gonna agree with your Final Thoughts in that that the main cast just settled into the usual traits and just ran them into the ground for most of the jokes. Still, i found the show to have a lot more energy and effort put into it than most comedy anime of late. The DEEN budget issue that you tend to see with DEEN studio anime was there but at the same time there was times where they did try to let the animators have a bit more freedom in character movements to try to sell the joke and im fine with that even though they go pretty off-model. Not that great a show but still watchable and you can get something out of it.

    “Well, it ended with an announcement of another season, although I’m not entirely sure why.”

    I think it has something to do with how the show happens to be (unexpectedly) selling well in terms of pre-orders. The source material’s publishers must have pretty happy with it so they slipped that announcement in by the time the last episode aired.

    God i put in such a long post.

  • algorithm says:

    “I have to wonder why the episode where he died and had his Friendship Is Magic© epiphany before coming back to go skipping off to have more non-adventures wasn’t the finale and this was”

    Things need to end with a bang.

    “Darkness’s almost nonsequitur bit at the start before she all but disappeared from the episode reeked of them trying to figure out some way to work her in out of a sense of nothing but obligation”

    They turn it into a joke to bully her later on noting how she contributed nothing to this battle.

    By the power of 10 episodes only and low budget production they obviously tried to have every shot of the spider as short as possible. Plus doing this arc in one episode ended up with them cutting all and any build up to funny parts leaving only a dried up skeleton. Literally.

    “Well, it ended with an announcement of another season, although I’m not entirely sure why”

    Because DEEN having something half successful happens once every 5 years.

    • Aroduc says:

      You’re forgetting Deen’s biannual zero budget boy on boy things that always sell like hot cakes.

  • Sanjuro says:

    I wouldn’t have known it ended if you didn’t say. It was enjoyable enough though.

  • El Goopo says:

    The second half of this anime was pretty godawful. I mean they were always phoning it in, but there were several episodes there that didn’t even feel comedic, just kind of there. And the worst part is that those could have been the funniest episodes if the writers had given a shit. Overall a real disappointment that had a few funny or creative bits at the start, then went the way of most anime comedies after a few eps.