Symphogear GX #10 — Friendship Power, Yay! Part 43
September 4th, 2015
Again, and again, and again, and again, and again.
Maybe because it hadn’t bothered showing up at all for the last two months. And speaking of things that hadn’t showed up in a long time, what did Dr. Evil do upon his grand re-emergence? He summoned some Noise, left. Came back, summoned more Noise, and left again. And made some more stupid faces. That’s it. We moved past this around episode 7 of the first season, so why have we permanently moved backward? Good to see that I was right about Chris getting her own obligatory ‘episode’ in this imbecilic parade of them. “Teamwork sucks!” “Wait, I do believe in teamwork and the power of friendship after all!” Transform to dark mode, kill throwaway antagonist in the next 15 seconds, do masturbatory jerkoff motion while rolling my eyes. But who knows? Maybe when they repeat it for Hibiki, the sixth time will be the charm and it’ll totally be great.
As for the remaining 17 or so minutes of the episode, it was mostly angst and info dumping. How polite of the dismembered deathbot to run her mouth at such length to explain how everything was all part of the master plan all along. And an astral projection temper tantrum too? That’s great! I love it when the antagonists are all a bunch of children throwing fits, and I’m including Dr. Evil in that. Especially when all they keep goddamned doing is summoning Noise and pissing off, or lately, dying to another shout of “Yay, teamwork and believing in yourself!”
Posted in Symphogear | 3 Comments »
They brought back the lackluster antagonist of the second season. Joy.
Also, did I miss an episode where everyone got their memory erased regarding their second transformations? Why even bother fighting the doll-girls with the regular symphogears?