Symphogear GX #09 — Filthy Girl
August 28th, 2015
Daddy doesn’t love you because you live like a pig.
Now that we’ve finally exited the portion of the show that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers would have covered in the first two episodes, it’s time to start ramping up the stakes, right? Don’t be ridiculous. It’s time to rehash this season’s bizarre daddy issue nonsense that the series continues to introduce and then either ignore, or in this case, summarily resolve it immediately after introducing it. Can’t wait to see this exact same episode yet again with Chris or Hibiki next week since we seem to be simply checking off every damn girl in turn. Why stop at just repeating the same episode three times when we can go for five? And in the meantime, let’s bring back the worst part of the second season and goddamned celebrateourselves for doing so. What goddamned fun. This is what’s driving me to the arms of Material Brave. At least it’s happy to let me physically abuse it. It’s happy for any attention at all.
Anyway, despite being not relevant in any way since around episode 7 of the first season, this was a Tsubasa episode, where she all of a sudden remembers that she has a daddy issue but overcomes them just as soon as someone tells her to and kills yet another of the parade of disposable misbosses, and I’m pretty sure the first part of this run-on sentence has already summed up the big problem here. Who cares? There’s episodic, and there’s irrelevant. This reeks like an old onion of someone saying “Well, she’s on all the posters, so she has to have some kind of arc.” There was introduction and resolution. The whole ‘arc’ lasted maybe three minutes. And how is this related to the main narrative; whatever the hell the antagonists are doing? Which is another gigantic problem that is only rearing its head more and more as we get closer to the end. These schmucks want to destroy the concept of music, or hope, or something, and to that end, they’re hovering around gathering magic. Every scheme is for more magic. Win or lose, they get magic. Until they have enough magic. This whole season has been little more than a holding pattern for the franchise and I can’t see how it’ll pull itself out of that for the end.
Posted in Symphogear | 5 Comments »
Haven’t seen her throw the sword and ride it since season 1