Charlotte #09 — L’ego my Ego
August 29th, 2015
I find the notion of ego waffles kind of disturbing.
Reminder: Rokka’s MBS broadcast (only Saturday broadcast) was off last week, and has a two-episode broadcast today to catch up, so the new episode is delayed… and the catchups are delayed too, so it’s going from a super late broadcast to super ultra mega no backsies late, which tends to… not pop up in a timely fashion.
So we go from a daaaate, to a pop idol concert, to him having a massive seizure into about a 12 minute… ‘dream’ about being in some military industrial compound for gifted youngsters under lock and key while being experimented on until the mutant uprising. Since we know Maeda loves to pull parallel dimenions out of his ass, let’s go with that. Some kind of time travel + flashback + amnesia + handwaving at any rate, because lord knows, stack enough godawful plot devices on top of each other and maybe they’ll all cancel out. But hey, isn’t it nice that everyone was secretly all connected to everyone else all along? Funny how it always works out like that. It’s not nearly as interesting a mystery as they’re trying to make it out to be, mostly because, like this keeps doing, it’s just spat the hell out while the protagonist goes “huh, okay.” Me too, Doormatto, me too. Oh, and we’ve decided to retcon his powers too, because why not?
I guess it was supposed to serve as an introduction to a new sibling-like character to die/inevitably betray our now completely passive and sub-doormat of a protagonist while he stares wide-eyed because he has been reduced to simply a vehicle to be exposited at or shoved through walls. He’s blind too, because like with Blindy last week, if you’re going to have one character archetype, you may as well repeat it. It is the first we’ve actually even seen of the supposed evil scientists that come and take powered children away they’ve been gassing on about since the first episode and seemingly exist only to force him out of his room when he’s angsty, only to disappear into the void again, their one half-hearted attempt having ended in failure.
Posted in Charlotte | 10 Comments »
The problem here with this Big Brother in the end. He can not use his Time Travel ability anymore. He is Blind. Or he find another way to get Light into his Eyes. as long he is blind, his Ability is useless or on put on Ice. Seems like this is the last Rewind time Alternative World.. or an Dimension Jump combined with time traveling, for Big Brother
But, why they go there an Wipe his Memory? Is he not there to save his little Sister to gain her Destruction Ability? Or is his real goal to teach her little Sister to control her Ability for the good? Gravity lens.. She can see far away stars, you know… there is hints here and there, what her true ability (right controlled) can do