School-Live! #02 — Helpful Hardware Hints

July 16th, 2015


You’re not the boss of me.


Well, the opening minute was certainly a little more like I wanted to see, but I still think they’re missing the mark a bit, especially in the first half which was still mostly in Insipid Mode, and especially basically every time the brunette and… lighter brunette were talking. They existed for basically no reason whatsoever except for exposition and exposit they did. All of the place. In a steamy disgusting mess not related at all to the other two going through their own little episodes. We need less of that and more of the bits where they just let the actions speak for themselves, like the bit where they were making noise and ambushing the zombie to save Crazy Head without feeling the need to explain it all.

Speaking of which, this episode badly needed to focus on Shovel Girl more. From the way her parts bookended the episode and the CM break, it was clearly about her, but she had only about three or four minutes focused on her, and that was mostly in montages. Granted, better used montages than usual, if a bit on the nose, but they missed a good opportunity to really tie that shovel to her as her anchor for security or something instead of just something that happened to be close at hand and now by the laws of anime, after using it once, she’s now bound to it forever. 

Also, they’re really not being subtle with Purple. There’s an elephant in the room, or not in the room, as it were, that hopefully they’re not going to be stringing out until the end of the show

Next Episode:

I can’t even see what’s going on.

Posted in School-Live | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Chipp says:

    >Also, they’re really not being subtle with Purple. There’s an elephant in the room, or not in the room, as it were, that hopefully they’re not going to be stringing out until the end of the show.
    Nope, I guess they’ll explain that in the next episode.

  • kenuran says:

    Well it was a little more eventful than that fairly boring first episode that tried way too hard with the juxtaposition of Hat’s coping mechanism and the shows setting.

    “…they missed a good opportunity to really tie that shovel to her as her anchor for security or something instead of just something that happened to be close at hand and now by the laws of anime, after using it once, she’s now bound to it forever.”

    Yea i guess they could have tried something like that but one thing about her that I noticed was when Shovel went out by herself, the zombie she encountered has that ominous aura around it. That showed that it was her way of dehumanizing the zombies she kills. When the zombie girl got her phone knocked away from her, that showed her face next to her boyfriend which reminded Shovel the the boy she liked. That momentarily humanized the zombie girl and the aura came off, making Shovel hesitate on finishing her off.

    Also another thing I’m paying attention to is the how Jacket seems to be the most composed in front the other girls but then she reacts like and when she sees a zombie. So I’m thinking she might be the one most likely to breakdown first.

    • Paulo27 says:

      Speaking of phones, why aren’t they working?

      I’m actually kinda afraid to ask how or why this all happened because it’s probably just going to end up as a 10 minutes long “let’s sit down and talk about it” session but yeah, I want some worldbuilding.

      • Sanjuro says:

        I bet it was something to do with idols.

      • Aroduc says:

        Zombies ate the satellites.

      • Amarrez says:

        I’m probably just remembering the episode wrong, but wasn’t it just a picture the girl stuck on her phone as a decoration? It didn’t look digital and the phone was closed

  • Blas says:
