Punch Line #05 — Dragonball
May 7th, 2015
And you’ve now killed all your cliffhangers until you unwrite that.
One day I’ll understand Japan’s manic obsession with flashbacks. Today is not that day. Tomorrow’s not looking great either. Is it part of their Writing 101? Is it their version of “Show don’t tell”? That would explain a lot. Then again, but so would them simply not having Writing 101 at all, which this episode (and the show as a whole) is continuing to make a rather strong case for. That’s right. Dangling preposition. Deal with it. The subtext of that is that now with time travel being used as a freebie plot device to reverse death instead of just for comic relief, any melodrama over anything simply melts away, no matter what asinine crap they try to pull out. But wait, there is a limit. He has to care enough. That’s seriously the best they could come up with? Christ, Japan. You’d think the entire population were sociopaths by the way they treat basic empathy for other people. I’m looking at you, UBW. Even that might get by if they weren’t always bouncing between it and being hippie love-children who feel the pain of every single blade of grass.Â
And speaking of extremes… Oh those poor children, exploited and bullied for no reason at all, victimized by the cruel world when all they wanted is friends. This is the jump scare of horror, the fart of comedy, the shakey cam of action, the ball-punch of a fist fight… at best; openly manipulative, incongruous with the character shown so far, and utterly superficial. And this is not used at its best. The rest of the episode fared little better. I’m starting to get the impression that I might as well skip to the last couple minutes. I’d get to jump right to the imbecilic twists and cliffhanger, going past all the unneeded exposition, having feelings but being insecure about them, and resetting the previous episode’s cliffhanger. This week’s would be another couple girls dying and that the masked guy also explodes with power when viewing panties. Whatever could that mean? Refer back to the first paragraph for why people dying no longer carries any weight. Refer to my butt for the rest.
Posted in Punch Line | 4 Comments »
Next week’s twist better be fucking mind-blowing. They promised.
It also better not be “Masked guy is the protagonist… from the future!!”. Because everyone saw that coming several weeks ago.