GARO #21 — “What If We Release A BIG Monster?”
March 6th, 2015
Really? That’s it? That’s all? “Release a bunch of monsters… and a really big one?”
Oh boy, my favorites, padding and flashbacks. And as I said last week, that old standby of fantastic Japanese stretching-crap-out until it’s time for some godawful bit of exposition explaining the imbecilic plan. This fantastic one was “We’re letting him release a big one, and/or a whole bunch of little ones so we can kill them all.” No, their “its for the greater good” schtick doesn’t even begin to make sense. But to sum things, the master plan after stopping Mendoza from doing whatever he wants is to let Mendoza do whatever the hell he wants, so that they can stop monsters from killing people by releasing a bunch of monsters into a crowded city. I guess Mappa is cribbing notes from Production IG’s Maria on logic.
But then the rest of the episode was dedicated to flashbacks showing, in case you somehow missed it, that German trained Leon, and that life wasn’t always great. I mean, sure, if you had somehow skipped about episodes 2-20, you might have missed that. What new did it add? Precisely jack. Why’d we do it? Because flashbaaaaaaaaaacks! I should start a running counter of “It has been X many days since I’ve seen Japan misuse a flashback.” Wouldn’t even need to code it for double digits. Can’t wait for the big finale now with the hugely impersonal, hugely generic, hugely huge ridiculous generic monster.
Also, does this mean that German just let that maid get eaten and the other one have her leg chewed off last week for absolutely no reason? What’s the point of Legless again?
Next Episode:
Oh no. It has fangs.
Posted in GARO | 2 Comments »
I have no doubt that you’re putting more effort in your reviews than the writers of the show in any episode.