Blade Dance #07 — Faff Hard: With a Vengeance
August 25th, 2014
Do something. Dooooo something, you damnable insecure little brats.
Another episode of almost entirely faffing about with another unbudgeted, speedliney, half-assed fight at the end that was only tenuously at best connected to anything else in the first seventeen minutes of the episode. Eight minutes in and they were still ‘coyly’ pussyfooting around him not remembering Purple by giving him hints until he remembered (for what purpose again?) followed by Red and Blonde arguing about their bra sizes just to give you a sense of how little was going on. While I congratulate it for adding breasts to its previous repertoire of only thighs, at seven episodes in, one would think they’d be a little more ambitious than some squishing noises and hugging an arm.Â
Make your own joke about Dumbo not being able to get it up when it counted.
Next Episode:
More of the same.
Posted in Blade Dance | 7 Comments »
Once again, the protagonist is actually the prettiest character in the cast.