Peach Tits Sword #02 — Peeled Fruit

July 15th, 2014


And monkey ass.


Well, they sure took my remark that a few blistered tits swinging disturbingly wasn’t enough to sell itself on T&A to heart… for about 4 seconds and 2 frames of fake clothing dissolving white mucus. What came before and after that is hardly worth mentioning. Even the thing of the episode, where Monkey and Peach master working together or something comes from bloody nothing and was forgotten for most of the episode until a bad gag showed up in a truly horrific set of characters just flat out saying “We thought of something amusing. Here is what we thought of. The joke has been made.” Multiple goddamned times. Christ. The learning to overcome your differences to work together schtick is like basic Saturday morning cartoon drek, and this couldn’t even handle that.

Even being the only thing on Tuesdays, I don’t think this is going to make the cut. The entire first half was little more than empty space and it only got to half-assed magical girl schlock after that, complete with a Team Rocket sendoff for the baddie. So not even a full-assed show, which could really do nothing but help it instead of those godawful attempts at jokes. Christ.  

Posted in Anime | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Atmo says:

    If at least it was a hentai…

  • Chipp12 says:

    I’ll be watching this for Asami Imai origianl anime role.

  • algorithm says:

    The sweetest fruits.

  • Mesousa2877 says:

    Jokes actually were funnier than expected, and I still had fun with this episode. Although, the BDSM character was random, and…just randomly vanished afterwards.

    Yet, you’re still blogging the now still depressive Sengoku Basaara.

  • Flip Porter says:

    Sadly I can already tell this will be a guilty pleasure. The writing is horrible yet the characters are cute looking so i’ll probably keep watching. It’s sad however that in thinking onihime is cuter than momoko I’m now gonna spend the rest of the anime rooting for the oni.