Blade Dance of the Elementalists #02 — Cooking With Pokemon
July 21st, 2014
What’s the matter? Sword a little limp?
Still not good, but better than the first episode, although it’s still badly… badly lacking the budget it needs to really make these action scenes any good. They were sort of trying, I suppose, but everything was coming up speedlines. And you have to kind of be impressed by their dedication to crowbarring in the obligatory T&A and then just tossing in some generic goo out of nowhere on top of it. Because this is apparently a thing that happens in showers. The girls were quite a bit better at least, using the old standby of the common enemy to start working together without a great deal of fanfare or obnoxious squabbling once anything of worth actually started happening… about 80% in. Â
Of course, it’d be nicer if they crowbarred in a plot and some animation instead, and no, “My siiiiiister” doesn’t count. Not that they really spent a lot of time on that though, I guess. I’m not complaining about only having a short expositional dump about something of only tangential worth at the moment, but the show could badly use some kind of overarching quest or plot, because “screw the police” is about the bare minimum for an episodic one, and even then probably wouldn’t be if almost every other show this season wasn’t so firmly dedicated to having even less than that.
Next Episode:
She sure clings to him a lot.
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DAL, IS killer.