…Yeah, I’ve Got Nothing
June 13th, 2014
Well, I do have a lot of rain again.
I was really hoping that Martopia, Alruna, Alpha Ride, or even Hanaou would post a trial this week so I could continue the trend. Alas, they have betrayed me, although Martopia did have an update where they bizarrely posted that the script was a paltry 1.2 mb and they expected the total play time to be 30 hours. And yet, I found that so more relieving than if they had said it was a grand, sweeping 100 hour tale. So instead of playing some random game (probably would have been Tactical Virgins or whatever), I ended up just working on the next season template. Well, mostly just sprite-hoarding. It’s still nearly three weeks out anyway, although from how every show has ground to a complete stop, it’s hard to tell sometimes.
Oh, and to make a push to reach a good stopping point with my project… My non-Jast project. Those things have been stopped as far as I’m concerned for months, although I’ve since learned all sorts of new problems and bugs that need to be cleaned up and fixed with Seinarukana. LWR’s greatest known issue, on the other hand, is that you have to choose between having periods, and erroneously unlocking the entire scene replay gallery, and no, I have no bloody idea how those two things are related to each other but apparently they are. Doesn’t even have English locale compatability issues. When the rapture comes, I know which company is going to be left cleaning the pool.
But as I was saying… Four months, 20,000+ lines, just on the edge of finishing the common events, and I still don’t have working anythings. Text and (most) graphics can be extracted (haphazardly), but reinsertion causes all manner of errors from scene-skipping to blank lines to lines which are supposed to be blank but aren’t to save corruption. And even if it was fixed, the text still doesn’t display correctly. And the main graphical archive is in a completely different format. Supposedly easier to work with, but the main person who would be doing that is too busy drawing penises and vaginas. It sounds like I’m joking because I used the word “penises,” but I assure you that I am not. Oh yeah, and there’s over 46,000 lines left to go. And all the graphical work. Which I can’t do. Moonlit Lovers remains the only thing I’ve ever touched that wasn’t some kind of brain-melting mess. Way to go, Broccoli. Right until you switched formats and engines for Eternal Lovers and dicked everything up.
Bitching complete. That’s what blogs are for after all. Back to the grind.
Posted in Unimportant Crap | 3 Comments »
So I take it you are going nowhere fast. Kind of like the current anime and game industries neat.