Ping Pong #01 — Ancient Chinese Ping Pong Secrets

April 10th, 2014


Even when it was moving, it found ways to annoy me.


Rounding out this season’s apparent need to cover every fringe sport about hitting a ball over a net besides sepak takraw, we get the artsy fartsy one. You can tell it’s artsy fartsy because it looks like butts. And you can tell it’s your stereotypical sports show by how the world revolves around ping pong, how someone must always explain everything that’s going on in front of their faces, and how they all have their own special niches, including but not limited to special ping pong based super powers. Yes, the winds of Japan carry the cry of table tennis apparently.

So it’s pretty much like all the other sports shows, only with less adolescent yelling, more adolescent rebelling against the ping pong man, and an extra helping of art. I think they started with the ping pong matches themselves, which are the only part where it looks expressive enough to work, and just lazily slopped everything else down as an after thought. And since the majority of the episode was not dynamic ping ponging, well, it spends a lot of time squatting there unplesantly like a toad. Also, if Kuroko’s Balls or Prince of Tennis tried to pull off this look, they’d be laughed off the court, but since it’s noitaminA, it’s adult.

Since I’ve made my allergy to sports shows clear enough and art makes the back of my eyes burn, I think we can safely move on.

Posted in Anime | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • anon999 says:

    I think it was decent enough for my tastes.

  • V1cious says:

    You’re dumping A Yuasa series because it’s about sports? That’s kind of shallow, don’t you think?

    • Aroduc says:

      No, I’m not watching a show because I found it uninteresting.

      Are you going to watch a series simply because of the director?

  • V1cious says:

    If the potential’s there, absolutely.

  • Matti says:

    Aaawww. The Twilight fanboy wants to blog Ping Pong now. How adorable.

  • Hard4Aroduc says:

    RE: You can tell it’s artsy fartsy because it looks like butts?

    So what’s the problem? Butts = Substance to you, right?

  • Those character designs are hideous.

  • Totali says:

    Animu = art x story

  • tamerlane says:

    lol wow dude i’m no yuasa stan but this review couldnt be further off the mark.

    “And you can tell it’s your stereotypical sports show by how the world revolves around ping pong, how someone must always explain everything that’s going on in front of their faces, and how they all have their own special niches, including but not limited to special ping pong based super powers.”

    What show were you watching? because this doesnt describe the first episode in the least?? it portrayed the sport as fairly fucking niche, not the hotblooded shounen cliche you’re painting it as. first episode had some Shinya Ohira cuts in it too so saying Kuroko or Prince of Tennis look better is farcical. like you don’t understand anything about animation maybe???