Unwhatever and Going Nowhere #10 — Fusion Dance

March 12th, 2014


Better than Cushie, the lake monster.


I’m pretty sure that I slept through this episode, despite not closing my eyes. I started thinking about Yamada during it… the sex-crazed Yamada… the sex-crazed Yamada without purple hair… as a contrasting relationship with a bland male character and why that did not make me want to slap any bitches across the face. The wit and direction was certainly one thing, but it was also that for how little their relationship normally progressed each episode, both members were trying to progress it and things got in their way. Here, I think there was an entire minute of just Kobeni hemming, hawing, and equivocating so they could drag everything out without having to come up with anything stopping them, any complications, any anything for another damn week.

I think I’d almost welcome a return to the angst at this point. That was something. Bad, certainly, but this season has become a damned carnival of different ways to waste time without any ambition or effort and it’s starting to make me itchy in my annoyed places. Which is all over.

Next Episode:


Posted in In-Progress | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Dave Baranyi says:

    I’ve forced myself to watch this series up until now, and I’ve never dropped a series with only 2 episodes left in the past 17 years of watching anime, but I just can’t stand the characters in this series any longer. We have idiot plot and matching idiots, with no redeeming features. The series should have stopped (or more accurately, I should have stopped watching it) mid-way when the “big reveal” happened.

    Gawd, what an awful waste of time.