Tokyo Ravens #14 — The Adults Are Talking

January 14th, 2014


Go stand in the corner and stare.


I’d probably be more into this episode if the kids had really done anything, and at the same time, I worry that this is the best that the remainder of the show has to offer. They all got their one attack off against random CGI spider-statue-grunt-things in the first half and then… that was kind of it. They were about as important as the steak sauce in Hindu cuisine for the rest of the episode. Even when Professor Peg-Leg released Not-Oral-Girl’s seal that was just so everyone could watch safely from the bleachers and make the occasional gasping noise.Something that Cyclops had in common with them for the most part too. At least he waved his hand a few times and made things explode though, although it’d probably have been more effective if Peggy had just straight up jobbed to him.

Okay, yes, and he was kind of freaky looking with his neck becoming progressively more broken, but that’s the kind of thing that could have really been played up a lot better for shock if they had tried to go the jarring route instead of big explosions, taunting, and exposition. Even a horror from the pits of hell can’t maintain any kind of menace if all its going to do is float and indignantly yell about how great he is/how bad everyone else is. The glowing eyes are a lot less effective than you think, guys. 

Posted in Tokyo Ravens | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • The Phantom says:

    I was like expecting the whole episode for the old man to kick everyone’s ass, and it NEVER happened. What the hell old man what a big weakling you were.

  • Fate says:

    He was just the main bosses plaything.

  • anise_punter says:

    It’s probably not a good sign when one of (I thought) the better episodes of this series just shunted the main cast off to the side entirely.