Sakura Trick #03 — Shoehead McGee

January 23rd, 2014


I hear that she’s got a lot of sole.


How does unbuttoning a shirt create clevage when there is another shirt with no cleavage on underneath it? I find your fabrics confusing and unsettling, Japan. The first half was primarily concerned with Yuu’s sister, who is about as exciting and funny as a large rock. I think her entire purpose for existing is to be myopic (in multiple senses) and to walk in on them making out, which was even more thinly veiled than usual since the main two’s very first interaction of the episode was to mount one another and attempt mutual tongue-based emergency tonsillectomy.

The rest of the time was spent cleaning the pool, which is not a euphemism for finger-spelunking the batcave. I’m not sure why it had to take place in an empty pool either. Just an excuse no doubt for some of those ugly blue swimsuits Japan seems to love. Besides a dirty shed and a hose, it could have just as easily taken place in a Denny’s. And for your hilarious Japanese misunderstanding of the day, 花 (petal(s)) and é¼» (nose) are pronounced the same. Joke writing check please!

Next Episode:

If you’re reading this, then I’ve forgotten to change the template.

Posted in Anime | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Kitsu says:

    Girl with Swinsuit kissing
    One more dream come true, thanks been

  • aklik says:

    [quote]How does unbuttoning a shirt create clevage when there is another shirt with no cleavage on underneath it?[/quote]
    1) she unbuttons one shirt
    2) she take of one shirt
    3) she put on second shirt
    4) profit