Nourin #02 — Random English Words
January 17th, 2014
It’s like how yelling “ai caramba” is a hilarious joke in English.
Please, Silver Link. Galaxy Angel already set the gold standard for the King Game years ago with tongue twisters that somehow turned into Dragonball and that was just a waypoint before someone just straight up got shot and died. Can’t you even half-emulate that? Or at least not follow it up with such deficient attempts at jokes as holding up underwear? It’s not even that they were underwear. They panned over that all without any ceremony at all. It’s that she was holding them that suddenly required the auditory blare and shouting that signals a joke. I think I was more impressed in that scene by whose-her-face being able to take her panties off without removing her shorts.
Whatever I hoped the idol girl might have added to this formula, she didn’t. All she did was stare and act as an excuse for the characters to redouble their various loud noises. That means that the entire episode was them desperately trying to be amusing to an uncaring audience not buying their crap. Good work, Silver Link. You’ve made your show within your show. The Japanese obsession with panties and an entire third of an episode on it was just tiresome, although I’m sure at least part of that were the visual references they decided to throw in. Wow. Death Note. Super topical and not at all something that’s already been trodden into the ground. Even setting that aside, I think I’ve heard the spiel at least a few dozen times now and it hasn’t gotten funny yet. Maybe we should involve the rest of the cast a little bit instead of their one minute segments before being kicked off, or find something approaching purpose, even if it’s just at the level of a Full House plot. Even that’s probably too ambitious.
Posted in Nourin | 6 Comments »
“Wow. Death Note. Super topical and not at all something that’s already been trodden into the ground.”
And yet, hilariously, CR’s translator apparently wasn’t even in the know about that and managed to mistranslate the line. Easily the high point of the episode.