Valvrave #21 — The Culling

December 5th, 2013


…Of characters who haven’t been relevant in forever.


Oh, Valvrave. At least it wasn’t the angstfest I was expecting. It was far funnier than that. The TV space nazi said so from his TV studio with a special broadcast… TIME TO MURDER SOME MENTALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN! Yes. That’s right. The entire school besides a select few were spontaneously slaughtered because the honor guard there was convinced by space nazis that the kids were immortal monsters through a TV broadcast. Let that sink in for a minute because at no point did anybody apparently stop to think "Wait, aren’t these hundreds of kids we’re shooting up with conventional weaponry supposed to be immortal superbeings?"

That was… uh… kind of it for the episode though. The culling of the background characters who hadn’t even been in the show at all for this season. And I guess that one other guy too, but in the helmets, I’m not even sure I can say which one it was. So now Team Scooby can… ignore the school and do their own thing somewhere else far away. …Which is what they’ve been doing the entire season. Maybe if you had pulled this stunt waaaaaay back before they all went off to Earth or wherever, but after about 8 episodes… and bloody nearly six months… of them not existing in the story for any intents and purposes, you’ll forgive me if I care even less. I guess Shouko, also in the "nobody’s given a crap about her for half a year" club, is also pissed off at the ‘monsters’ for being ‘monsters’ instead of the space nazis for being space nazis or the people who actually killed all her friends. Obviously. They told a lie of omission, which is apparently worse than mass murder, attempting to kill you personally, and rape combined.

Next Episode:

If you’re reading this, then I’ve forgotten to change the template.

Posted in Valvrave | 14 Comments »

14 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • flamerounin says:

    ummm, what’s the plot of this one again? XD

  • ToshiroNoRonin says:

    Wow, that was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen. “They’re immortal monsters, kill them!” “Is it normal for immortals to stay dead?” Things snowballed unbelievably fast. And then the idiot Shoko actually believed ARUS would uphold their deal after slaughtering everyone else? And why is she still alive after that stupidity, dammit? And why does Haruto still love her after that betrayal? He’s also an idiot. Meanwhile, still little progress on the Saki front. She’s the only good thing about this show besides L-Elf.

  • kenuran says:

    Reminds me of how Code Geass ended. Bad guys that everyone hates tells everyone that the good guys that had been kicking their ass throughout the show are actually the REAL bad guys because they have POWERS and then everyone just believes the bad guys without question and turns on the good guys. Including the good guys turning on each other.

    This show man. That episode with Shouko singing Jingle bells with the music video at the end is still the best though.

  • Fate says:

    Valverave returns to being so bad it is good! They tried to do a “Kill all the Japanese” and ended up with hilarity instead.

  • dororoninpo18 says:

    so they’re gonna try to kill the guy with the ultimate shield. dont know whats going on anymore

  • Ren Moraes says:

    Well :

    And who are you, the proud lord said That I must bow so low? Only a cat of a different coat That’s all the truth I know

    In a coat of gold or a coat of red A lion still has claws And mine are long and sharp, my lord As long and sharp as yours

    And so he spoke, and so he spoke That lord of castamere
    But now the rains weep o’er his hall With no one there to hear

    Yes now the rains weep o’er his hall And not a soul to hear

  • FlameStrike says:


    Well, in Valraves defense the Prez was a possessed Space Nazi too, and probably all the soldiers there as well. Note how they planned to have the hangers under control already. His acting was hilariously obvious with how overblown and fast it was. Especially with the LOL SUDDEN ALLIANCE THAT WAS CLEARLY PLANNED BEFORE HAND.

    I wonder what the public opinion is though. If the general populace of the Valvrave universe are all flip flopping fuck ups too I’ll face palm so hard. I’d say the show will lose all credibility but that would mean I was taking it series in the first place hahaha.

    Seriously though, Haruto was so dumb. Why the fuck didn’t he explain himself clearly. His ineptitude at making any kind of coherent defense was a huge reason why the students turned on him. I mean, he didn’t even explain that the Phantom wasn’t theirs. Everyone thought that it was the Valvrave pilots who used the Phantom for Runes and NONE OF THE FUCKING PILOTS PROPERLY EXPLAINED IT WASN’T THERE SHIP. Goddamn that was stupid!

    The students caving in to the Presidents fake bargain was understandable at least. When you’re a non-combatent teenage kid and are faced with a life or death situation like that it might be a tad hard to think rationally.

  • The Phantom says:

    Is all this stupidity in the source material or is just the anime being this stupid?. Like seriously no one is reading
    proof the script? or attempting to make it believable?.

    • SaiyaGin says:

      The anime isn’t an adaptation of a previously existing material, it’s a completely original story.
      That said, I’m also wondering whether the people at Sunrise think that we should take Valvrave serious or not.

  • Anonymous says:

    Like you pointed out, the fact that no one questioned that “Wait, we’re killing immortal super kids with guns. That makes sense.”

    The plot in this show is nonsensical.

  • ark noir says:


    No adults were harmed or abused in this anime.

    © 2013

  • pinkydapimpy says:

    FlameStrike says:
    December 6, 2013 at 2:12 am

    Well, in Valraves defense the Prez was a possessed Space Nazi too, and probably all the soldiers there as well. Note how they planned to have the hangers under control already. His acting was hilariously obvious with how overblown and fast it was. Especially with the LOL SUDDEN ALLIANCE THAT WAS CLEARLY PLANNED BEFORE HAND.

    I wonder what the public opinion is though. If the general populace of the Valvrave universe are all flip flopping fuck ups too I’ll face palm so hard. I’d say the show will lose all credibility but that would mean I was taking it series in the first place hahaha.

    Seriously though, Haruto was so dumb. Why the fuck didn’t he explain himself clearly. His ineptitude at making any kind of coherent defense was a huge reason why the students turned on him. I mean, he didn’t even explain that the Phantom wasn’t theirs. Everyone thought that it was the Valvrave pilots who used the Phantom for Runes and NONE OF THE FUCKING PILOTS PROPERLY EXPLAINED IT WASN’T THERE SHIP. Goddamn that was stupid!

    The students caving in to the Presidents fake bargain was understandable at least. When you’re a non-combatent teenage kid and are faced with a life or death situation like that it might be a tad hard to think rationally.

    ^ Totally fucking right, but can someone tell me one thing i think i seemed to miss out, how the scientists that got rescued from Dorsia got plugged into the phantom ? o_o

  • Leid says:

    They couldn’t avoid the massacre since the Council was planning it the moment they got Saki and ARUS was in on it. The problem with Shoko betraying Haruto is that she suddenly flip-flopped to the wrong side because he couldn’t remember one memory. She didn’t ask him to remember any other time, and this moron can’t explain anything without someone holding his hand, but the fact that Haruto came to their defense when he thought soldiers boarded the ship should have been a tip-off as well as the fact they were still fighting.

    When asked what to do after that, she sold them out despite they were still defending them and ARUS has betrayed them one before with Moses in Season 1, let alone that Dorssia committed so many attacks against them. Her emotions clouded her judgement and she made a mistake that cost them a pilot.

    Now, if she didn’t betray them and Iori still shot Haruto into space we would hate her more than we already did. And trust me, that is a hard feat to top.