Tokyo Ravens #11 — Antics

December 17th, 2013


Do we really need to be in padding mode right now?


The first half was basically Not-Oral Girl gets into antics, while the second half was Kon gets into antics. Of course, since this is Japanese media, by antics, I mean primarily diarrhea of the mouth, especially for Kon’s portion. At least it wasn’t intermixed with the show trying to be serious this time. Not that it made it particularly funny either, but at least there was no lurching back and forth between attempted badassery and bad slapstick.

I… guess it was sort of passable as a comedic filler episode, maybe, but I’m comparing that to the multitude of all the other shows right now that are also stuck in “holy crap, gotta bring everything to a stop” mode, and I’d rather not see any more episodes like it. It wasn’t good, but at least they weren’t pretending like it was anything but time wasting instead of making overtures otherwise and then draaaaaaaaaaaagging it out.

Posted in Tokyo Ravens | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Fate says:

    They really need to build characterization because they certainly have a lot of bland characters so they tried to do that this episode.

  • FlameStrike says:

    lol@this ep. I got a good chuckle here and there. More Not-Oral Girl pls

  • Wait says:

    Budget issues, directing failures and the thing I hate the most: wasted hype.
    I mean, what’s in Natsume’s closet!? I wanna know! T T