Symphogear #12 Redux — Still Naked and Glowing

September 23rd, 2013


Put some clothes on, people.

I’m skipping Rozen Maiden because it’s my prerogative and Christ. It’s 20 minutes of characters standing around in a goddamned circle before one goes back having done literally nothing for the entire series, which has now made him a better person because he… uh… ummmmmmmm… That’s a stumper, isn’t it? Anyway, on to the nudes.


Boy, did I apparently pick the right week to take off from all these shows. What a weak episode. The nakedness was about the only thing it had going for it. The fights were all some of the lowest end of this season on the production scale without even getting into them being Tsubasa vs Chris and Jobber vs Jobber with the Fine extra twist, something that I’ve been wondering why I should even care about for about the last two and a half months. Although what I think may be the most disappointing was Hibiki simply jacking Gungnir away from Maria at the end. I was already wondering about her magical powers to run forward up an 80 degree stairway, but then Maria is simply pushed out of the way with a "Protagonist power trumps all" is just sad. Good god. I don’t think Maria’s even been in the same goddamned room as any of them since about episode 4 and then this is how she goes out. Backhanded by a joke and then her powers taken.

And Dr. Evil? The only thing we have left approaching even an embarrassingly poor antagonist? Reduced to a sniveling wreck with a little shoulder tackle by a naked girl and then again when Maria simply menaced him. This is our head antagonist. Unable to go 20 minutes without wetting himself in terror. Maybe those little boys that he killed were more of a threat to him than I’ve given them credit for after all. It’d explain why he had to launch an old sick woman into space. She was too big a threat to him to remain on Earth. Boy, can I not wait to see the result of the ‘cliffhanger’ powerup where she fights the true last boss, an inanimate chunk of rock. 


Posted in Symphogear | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • The Phantom says:

    Where is the proper preview of the next season? and wow how did you last so many episodes of that borefest of rozen maiden

  • chibimars says:

    That’s right and we’re all waiting with bated breath for your review of diabolik lovers…

    • Aroduc says:

      I don’t generally cover 10 minute shows unless I’m bored or like them.

      I’m too busy to be bored right now and Diabolik Lovers is anything but likable.
      I am done with the preview as far as the informative/bitter ranting portion goes though. There’s just the promos and silly pixel art remaining. It’ll be done when it’s done.

  • AGear2Ax says:

    Oh boy, the most fun I have with shows like these is reading Aroduc’s “reviews”. Anyways, all that crap about Fine and then, puff! She’s gone without even appearing. We should have seen that coming since episode 7 D:

  • Mesousa2877 says:

    Sad thing is, this episode was still better than the past 3 or so episodes.