Yada Yada Not Popular #01 — Doki Doki Shounen Shinpan!
July 8th, 2013
Actually, I’m surprised that isn’t a game.
I did glance over KamiNomi Episode 6: Return of the Jedi. It began with an insert song and five minutes of recap. That’s quite enough of that.
Ah. So this is indeed where Silver Link put all their effort instead of Prisma Illya. That ever so rare strong visual direction is here in spades, although perhaps a little less ‘effort’ could have helped on the musical side of things. A lot of the background music is just plain bizarre. Not in the way that works with the intentionally weird visuals, just kind of… too beepy? I’m not sure how to put it. It sounds like they latched onto the “looking things up on the net” part of things and decided that everything should sound like 16 bit video game music.
It’s a shame that it’s not, well… funnier. I think that the setup could work. It’s vaguely reminiscent of Yamada the failed sex fiend, but too much of it is taking place in the lead’s head and relies on just her making ridiculous faces to her own narration. Aroduc not liking self-narration? What a shock! But the show badly needs to externalize more and interact with other characters more instead of being 22 straight minutes of listening to a girl ramble to herself. I’m already tired of that. I was about five minutes in.
Posted in Anime | 16 Comments »
It totally is a game!