VBSV #VIII — Grumpy Old Men

July 21st, 2013


Boy. That sure never gets old.


The more I think about the episode, the more it annoys me. I actually kind of liked it in parts while I was watching it too. Stick-commando Gary, Hank the evil youth rocker wingman, the Monarch pissing himself getting ready to torture (although I’m not sure why since it used to happen all the time back in the days of testicle torsion PSAs), but in the end, it was the same all-over-the-place scattershot of things with really no relation to each other that has plagued this last half season with an extra helping of "look at how pathetic and unhappy to be in this show every single person is!" made up of four different completely comparmentalized segments obviously too flimsy to stand on their own.

The whole Billy’s mom thing was obnoxious too. Given the small number of voice actors, it’s easy to catch them voicing multiple people, so one horribly voicing another character isn’t new, but it stood out so badly for so long. I feel like the humor’s lost its way when the punchline is "You just thought it was awful all this time, but it was actually on purpose! Fooled you!" There was also the really kind of abortive attempts to wrap up both Emo-Dean and the utterly neglected Henchman 24 angle this season, not to mention the whole Moppets taking over the cocoon thing being dumped in out of nowhere. Dean’s two months of moping around were resolved by a little 15 second pep talk? Really? That’s it? What the hell was the point of all that?

Well, I feel more or less the same way about the first half of this season as I do the last. Probably worse since I’m really sick of Hatred now and at least that chunk didn’t have him with tits or Emo-Dean. They picked it back up in the second half of that season (which as I glance over the episodes on Wikipedia, I notice that Rusty and Hatred hardly even show up in… probably related), but eh. I’m not holding my breath. Maybe they’ll remember that the Triad, Revenge Society, and Guild exist though. That can do nothing but improve things. Or at least take away time from goddamned Hatred.

Posted in Venture Bros | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Mesousa2877 says:

    Well, time to wait another 2 and a half years…

  • The Phantom says:

    You are not far from blogging Powerpuff girl are not you? lol, Anyway I dislike this kind of animation.

    I’m actually so bored after this season clusterfuck, that I guess is time to go back and watch stuff I skipped like magical Madoka and see what the fuss is that about.

  • jingoi says:

    Not much of Brock + Hatred tits + Emo Dean = next season better not suck