Symphogear G #04 — Blue Balled Blaze
July 25th, 2013
Should you even get a special attack card for not actually discharging your hot plasma money shot?
Better. Sort of. Certainly a much better first half and overall fight than last week’s episode, but there’s still two things that I unabashedly admit just go in one ear and out the other with this show; all its random exposition and anything even tangentially related to Miku or the muggles in general. The minutia of all the background nonsense hardly bothers me. I don’t think I want to even pay that much attention lest we get into another "I’m blowing up the moon because it spurned my love" scenario. Maybe it’s growing up watching Star Trek where the only important things to understanding are explained via metaphor, like too much air in a balloon! Everything else is just a dull buzz of acronyms and Judeo-Christian terminology. And when you have a show filled with singing superpowered armored girls whose father figures all just wander around tearing up roads and fighting mafias just as things to do on the side, about the last thing I want to see are school festival nonsense concerts. Christ. I think that thing was just an excuse to slot in one of the muggle insert songs from a character CD.
But anyway, we got about what I was expecting from the opening fight this time around. The heels beat up the faces, revealed unsurprisingly that they think they’re on the side of justice and righteousness and all that crap, coughing up blood, etc before flying off, and then the other two thirds of the episode was putzing around with the festival concert character song shilling thing. Yeah, I get that they were showing Chrissy had become a nicer more well-adjusted person, but I kind of thought we already went over that. Like… last season. There was a whole song about it set to detonating Noise with long artillery. Some little concert with the peasantry lacks the same oomph and it’s not like she was struggling to get along with all the lesbians in the school trying to jump her bones anyway.
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Oh boy, more mystical dykes.