Gatchaman Crowdssu #03 — School Antics Power Hour
July 26th, 2013
I mean who wants to see superheroes in a superhero show anyway?
Rather uneventful episode until the very end, which meant that I spent most of the episode playing "Spot Where the Lip Sync Isn’t Even Close," a disturbingly easy game with this show. I don’t know what it is about Japan and when they find these settings involving super powers, transforming origami space vampires, murdering insane shapeshifters, and shady crossdressers taking orders from a computer that sounds like a four year old where the first instinct is "Boy. We better steer clear of this. More school antics! And put in a five second loop of music through that entire sequence to drive them all insane!" The penultimate scene could have used a little blood too to actually sell that scene. Or even just sort of a pseudo-censoring with camera angles or something. Clear shots of a bunch of bloodless bodies laying on the ground doesn’t flow well into "guy with knife just stabbed half a dozen people to death." Also, why’d they arrest his buddy? I found a plot hole!
I’m also still finding Vaguely Evil Habbo Hotel not… well, menacing probably isn’t the right word, but we can go with it. The whole Social Media is Eviltm thing is pretty played out to begin with, not to mention that it seems like kind of a foregone conclusion what with politicians tweeting their dicks around on it all the time. I’ll say more or less the same thing as I did last week. Give Shouty McAnnoying a rest and let Hajime go fight crime and learn/teach life lessons to the rest of the gang for a while. You’ve got antagonists. You can even introduce more if you want to defeat them. Go stab something with scissors and stop being so deathly afraid of your own premise.
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You know the saying. There’s no use crying over spoiled milk.