Vee Bro Ess Vee #04 — “Mount Me!”

June 23rd, 2013


I miss when this show had actual adventures. And the Venture Brothers.


That was underwhelming, but I guess with the whole thing focusing on just Rusty, Hatred, White, and Billy, that’s not exactly surprising. I’m really not even sure what they’re doing with St. Cloud either. They already do the "random 80s reference" thing all the time, and he’s just a larger ball of them explicitly pointed out constantly. Is that it? That’s the whole joke? And just as Hatred’s breasts continue to be disturbing, Hank’s still in the Not-Baroness’s super suit for reasons I don’t want to think about. Is this the show’s way of trying to add a female character?

The second half did have a couple moments, although the twist was incredibly stupid with the post-stinger ‘joke’ being pretty damn obvious about 10 seconds after they set foot on the island, yet for some reason not revealed until then. Hell, I think there’s a Far Side comic with the same joke. It wasn’t as clever as you thought, show, least of all when you explicitly call attention to it at the start of the episode. The Clash of the Titans stuff also went from "giggle, mechanical owl, giggle" to bludgeoning The albino code did make me laugh though, as did all of Brock’s spawn. More than I can say for the first half at least.


Posted in Venture Bros | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Karry says:

    Wait, wait, they still make this garbage ???

  • Catz says:


  • nightshadow2239 says:


  • Mesousa2877 says:

    There was a reference to f/x 2, so…that’s kinda desperate.

  • jingoi says:

    issues with hank & hatred said so….more brock, even shore leave: at least he’s funny.