Das “HENTAI” Prince and the Stony Cat #02 — Stick Snack
April 20th, 2013
The most delicious snack since Thin Fried Potato Slice.
Weaker than the first episode, mostly because a lot of it was just Youto shouting and one can only take Yuuki Kaiji’s voice blasting full tilt at them for so long before you begin contemplating the kinds of things that could be less annoying. Such a trying to fit a panicking, squealing guinea pig into your ear. It did hit a few beats toward the end, mostly wth Tsu3 Large and the swarm of capturees, but that was also juxtaposed with some particularly hamhanded melodrama involving Azusa and her past, spewed out with all the grace of the La-Z-Boy Arm Chair Icecapades. I really don’t know why Japan keeps thinking that it’s a good idea to end episodes on the first sentence of melodrama that barely forms a coherent paragraph, if that. Would turning it into a standard episodic structure, maybe even with an Act 1, Act 2, etc, really do the story that much more harm that spreading it out across episodes for your really horrible melodramatic cliffhangers?
Anyway, it wasn’t horrible again, but I’m not going to come up from my "really generic" label either. The first episode had a lot more substance to it. I can already barely even remember the first half of the episode and I suspect within 10 minutes, I’ll have forgotten most of the date part as well. Outside of Tsu3L, the story time intro/outtro to the first half may have been the only thing that the whole staff showed up to work on instead of left a note to Kaiji saying "Rant loudly. We’ll figure out a way turn it into an episode later."
Posted in Henneko | 1 Comment »
This was very weird, the sudden melodrama also felt out of place too, it remains overall watchable but they seriously need to tone the drama down.